Thursday, 25 July 2013


Hello... i was too busy being a teacher, so, totally forget to update this blog!! Really!!

Now, it is Ramadhan, where Muslims are fasting and, it is compulsory ti those who are puberty, healthy and other condition. 

We starting to fasting during 10 of  July and, now, it is 25th of July which is equivalent to 16th of Ramadhan. So, another few weeks to end!! 

So, Happy Ramadhan and selamat hari raya.!!

Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Well.. hello...
Now.. i am writing using my new smart phone..
Samsung galaxy s3 mini... he3..

So.. my new entry is about keinginan...
Well.. the truth is.. looking some of my friend buying something to their boyfriend.. make me kind of... jelous.. really... no lie..

Because.. look at to guy shirt, baju melayu... make me feel want to buy it to someone... of course.. dont know who.. 

If i have someone.. i will buy it for him...totally will look great...

So.. until next time
May be peace upon you...