Saturday 9 November 2013


Lamanya xmasuk blog ni... aku malas nk on guna phone.. lappy mmg jarang buka sejak abes belajar ni. 

Oh ya.. speaking of finish study, well...


tapi, dah lame lepas... dalam seminggu da kot lepas... 

Aku konvo bertarikh 28/ 10/ 2013. Now, I am preparing to do my master.. oh yeah!! :)

I am so proud to myself actually.. this is me!! Even orang dah xheran dengan ijazah sarjana muda sekarang, xpe la.. sebab I do care!! Orang xtaw kisah idop aku, so, dorang xpeduli.. I really appreciate this bachelor degree... :)


Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Selamat pagi. Rasanya dah lama aku tak update blog ni, tapi xpenting pun, no one ever waits for my entry. Semua yang ditulis dalam ni sekadar luahan perasaan sahaja, bila hati terasa sunyi, perlu tempat meluahkan, tapi xtaw pada sape, blog ni lah tempatnya. 

Terkadang terasa aku sendiri keliru dengan diri aku, perasaan aku, apa yang aku nak dalam hidup. Rasanya baru semalam aku bersekolah rendah, sekarang sudah 23 tahun. Cepat masa berlalu. Bila difikir, apa yang aku dah buat selama 23 tahun ni? Apa achievements aku? Rasanya aku sudah tidak mengenali diri sendiri. Apa matlamat hidup aku? Terasa aku sudah hilang matlamat itu. Kekadang, aku faham kenapa orang bunuh diri... bila rasa hidup sudah tidak bermakna, bila masalah terlalu banyak, bila hati terasa kosong, untuk apa diteruskan hidup ini?? Jika bunuh diri itu bukan 1 dosa, jika kosong iman di dada, sememangnya, jalan itu yang akan aku pilih. 

Apa yang aku rasa tika ini, saat ini? Aku sendiri tidak tahu, tidak mengerti. Kekecewaan, marah, rindu, benci, sayang, harapan... rasanya semua ada di situ. Bila difikir, tika aku mengambil keputusan untuk melupakannya, tika aku berasa diri ini tidak dihargai, tika aku disingkirkan dari hidupnya, tidak setitis air mata ini menitik. Pada aku, tidak berbaloi untuk menangis deminya. Tapi, kini, aku bertanya pada diri aku, hati aku, adakah aku betul menyukainya? Jika suka, kenapa tidak menangis? Adakah kerana kekecewaan dalam hati menyebabkan aku tidak mampu menangis? Aku keliru. Terkadang, terlintas nama dan wajahnya di fikiran... dan saat itulah aku cuba menghalau bayangannya.. 

Entah kenapa, aku rasa tiba masanya aku menutup pintu hati ini selamanya. Jika sebelum ini, aku mengharapkan seorang lelaki untuk hadir mewarnai hidupku, tapi, kini tidak lagi. Aku tidak mahu lagi. Seeloknya aku hidup sendiri. Biarlah apa yang rakanku bakal kata nanti, yang pasti, hati ini akan ku tutup selamanya. No more man in my life. Cukup sekadar berkawan. Adakah aku takut untuk menerima lelaki lain lagi? Aku sendiri tidak tahu. Apa yang aku tahu, men, they should not be trusted!! 

Bila menonton cerita cinta di televisyen, feveret aku, Istanbul Aku Datang.. rasa sweet sangat!! Tapi, entah bila nak jumpa lelaki macam tu.. Aku suka menonton, tapi aku mula fed up dengan cinta!! Sangat- sangat!! Everything was so annoying!! Tahniah pada korang yang jumpa jodoh, you find the perfect man for you... ya.. xsemua lelaki tidak boleh dipercayai.. but, I have to choose between two options right... untuk mempercayai, atau tidak.. so, i choose untuk tidak mempercayai.. except for certain guys... aku juga punya pilihan untuk mencintai atau tidak.. so, aku pilih tidak.. dan aku juga pilih untuk tidak dicintai. Perfect!! 

Rasanya aku belom matang lagi dalam menjalani hidup aku sebagai gadis dewasa. Banyak lagi pengalaman yang perlu aku dipelajari, ramai lagi individu yang menarik untuk dikenali, pelbagai tempat yang belom aku terokai. So, rasanya aku perlu hadapi the adventure first... untuk mematangkan aku.. So, doesn't matter la apa yang orang nak fikir, as long as hidup aku gembira.. Aku lebih rela hiudp seorang diri daripada kena tipu dan diperguna oleh lelaki.. So ridiculous!! 

May be, kalau aku xkawen pun.. aku akan ambik anak angkat kot.. untuk gembirakan hati aku, at least, ade yang teman aku daripada xde langsung. 

Last but not least, aku dah wat keputusan.. TUTUP HATI AKU UNTUK FOR NOW UNTIL .........??? Entah lah sampai bila.. may be forever?? 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~ 

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Lupakan orang yang melukan kita, tapi terus menyanyagi mereka yang sentiasa menyanyangi kita.
Well, I love my family and friends. They always support me..

Cinta boleh pergi bila- bila masa sahaja, then, when love left us, they not easily come back to us, may be never!! But, friendship.. they never left us.. as long as we never left them...



Waa... tengok tajuk entri kali ni cam pelik je an.. hik hik.. maklumla, aku baru putus chenta.. puiihh!!!
Oh ya, Assalamualaikum... tengok, excited punye nk tulis sampai x bagi greetings pun.. pe hal?? 

So, tajuk kali ini berkenaan SOMETHING THAT NOT WORTHY TO CRY ON... ini berkisarkan keadaan aku selepas putus chenta... 

My friends keep asking me if i am okay or not... why are you guys keep asking the same questions?? I am totally okay... bila orang dah xnak, kenapa perlu meratapi pemergian dia, well, he is not dying,, he left me without any words and reasons.. he just keep himself quiet!! So, he is totally fine... So, nape perlu ak ratapi dia, meaningless!!!

At first, memang macam sakit hati, sakit rindu and yang sewaktu dengannya.. that happen when he started not replying any messages from me. But, I am truly understand that he ignore me which means he actually want to end this relationship. So, aku dah decide, we break up!! He left me. When decision was made, there was no turning back anymore. Aku dah nekad and aku boleh terima the reality.

Penerimaan aku dan ketersediaan aku dalam menghadapi realiti ini mungkin one of the reason aku xmenangis and tak sedih, but a little bit disappointing. Ye la, I used to tell him that, if he already boring with me, and think that I am not good enough for him, please do tell me. Aku bukan nak marah pun. Aku cuma mahu something yang solid untuk menentukan status aku. 

You know what, menangis kerana ditinggalkan pasangan itu adalah sesuatu yang sia- sia. Wasting tears. Cry for someone that promise you everything and then suddenly, left you. Dulu, masa nak, pujuk rayu bagai, dah dapat, tinggal camtu jek.. no words, no reasons. Takut  nak berdepan dengan girls.. well, PENGECUT!!! If you xnak, just say it, hadapi the girl that once you loved. Tadah telinga you sikit, dulu, sape suruh ngorat an?? 

Dulu, aku pernah nangis sebab lelaki.. after that, my friend told me.. 

"Qeela, apa ko dapat dengan nanges camni, ko igt dia nak kat ko balik ke?"

After that, I promised to myself, no more tears for a man. No more.. it is useless and meaningless.. and I live happily.. and you know what, he was trying to tackle me back!! ohh.. please... ko tinggal aku, and ko nak balik.. blah la ko!!!! Ok.. ini citer masa zaman sekolah.. 

I wish, that guy who left me tengok kehidupan aku.. dia ingat aku akan bersedih ke..?? memang xla kan.. da ko xnak, aku xleh paksa ko.. but, thanks sebab pernah masuk dalam hidup aku, you give me something to learn.. learn that you are SUCKS!!!! and, I learn to be more careful, and do not trust men so easily. Dan, saya tahu sakit hati ditinggalkan...

To, Mr. Arul who loved me before a.k.a my ex during 2008, we used to be a couple, saya ucapkan:

"Mesti sakit sangat masa saya tinggalkan awak dulu. I left you without reasons and words. Awak mesti wondering kenapa saya buat awak macam tu. Well, saya dah dapat balik karma saya. I am truly sorry... Semoga awak hidup bahagia :)"

Untuk bercinta, kita perlu hadapi risiko ditinggalkan, kesakitan, penderitaan.. sebagaimana kita mendapat kebahagiaan, kegembiraan, dan kasih sayang.. sebanyak itulah kita perlu bersedia untuk menghadapi risiko. Bila kita bersedia, kita pasti mampu menghadapinya. 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 2 September 2013

Sakit Hati

Hello.. hai..
Dah lama ak xupdate blog ni an.. mungkin sibuk..... mungkin ak susah nk update sebab skang ak gune fon.. malas nk bula laptop...

Sepeninggalan ak ni.. ad sesuatu y blaku... I am falling in love with a guy.. named.. Mr.R.. can't mention his name here..  everything going smoothly.. dy baik, funny, caring, romantic... ak sgt suke dy.. very much... 

Hubungan ak hampir sebulan. Baru sebulan.. and dy tiba2 syp je.. muleny dy sedih sbb ak xboleh pergi kl.. maklumla dy org kl... dan ak klntan...  ak masih ok kalau dy syp 2,3 hari.. tp its nearly a week...  

Ak xtaw mcm mana nk ckp... i feel very down... upset... frustrated.. ak msj dy xreply... well... kalo dy nk putuskn hbgn ni.. why don't he say something..... the logic is.. xkan sbb ak xdpt p kl dy xmo msj ak... ak salu msj dy.. ak tnye kabar dy... ak explain the situation... and.. none of the results is good...

Aku bkn jnis pompuan y suka marah... kalo dy xtahan dgn ak.. ak ni boring..  dy nk tggalkn ak.. ak ok.. may be sedih.. tp i will be ok.. ak penah single for 5 years.. so.. ak xkisah.. 

Ak sedih sgt.. ak ase ak ni mcm kene tpu... ase cam tunggul kayu... ak nmpk je dy on wassap dy.. tp.. ad dy tgur ak... bls wechat ak... xde an... ak arap sgt ak dpt konvo same dgn dy... ak byk cite nk cite kt dy... a lot of stories to be told... tp... ak xboleh nk cite... dy syp jek...

Ak sgt tertekan.... sampai ati dy kan... pandai cuti ati ak... pandai dy buka ati ak... ati ak ni 5 tahun ak ttp untuk mane2 lelaki.... tp ak buka utk dy... and.. ini dy buat utk ak... lps dpt ati ak... dy tggal tp jalan... lgsung xpandang... 

Well thanks Mr. R.... salah sy sbb sukekn awk... salah sy sbb bg peluang utk awk.. silap sy sbb knl awk... silap sy sbb bg ati sy kt awk...  Mr. R... thanks for everything... I am so sorry... mohon halal makan minum sy y awk byr... 

Kalo ini y awk mahu... k.. fine... sy xnk ganggu awk... mungkin awk xakan ckp awk nk putuskn hbgn ni... tp sy faham.. this is the end of our relationship... 

Thanks Mr.R... 

Untill next time,
~ May peace be upon you ~

Thursday 25 July 2013


Hello... i was too busy being a teacher, so, totally forget to update this blog!! Really!!

Now, it is Ramadhan, where Muslims are fasting and, it is compulsory ti those who are puberty, healthy and other condition. 

We starting to fasting during 10 of  July and, now, it is 25th of July which is equivalent to 16th of Ramadhan. So, another few weeks to end!! 

So, Happy Ramadhan and selamat hari raya.!!

Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday 18 July 2013


Well.. hello...
Now.. i am writing using my new smart phone..
Samsung galaxy s3 mini... he3..

So.. my new entry is about keinginan...
Well.. the truth is.. looking some of my friend buying something to their boyfriend.. make me kind of... jelous.. really... no lie..

Because.. look at to guy shirt, baju melayu... make me feel want to buy it to someone... of course.. dont know who.. 

If i have someone.. i will buy it for him...totally will look great...

So.. until next time
May be peace upon you...

Tuesday 25 June 2013

One night on 21st June 2013

Well, hello!!
Today is 26th June 2013, 1.09 am. I just want to share a story.

On 20th June, I went to UKM, to submit my practical report. Yes, I succeed, mission accomplished. So, the story was about on 21st June. That night, I was going out with a guy, named R. He also studying at UKM, and we were in the same course. But, I've never known him before, until, we got the same place for practical. 

Knowing him, nothing special actually. He was just one of my friends. We teasing each other and sometime, we went for lunch together, of course with the other 2 friends of mine. Then, we realized, we have the same interests, games and comics!!! and cats!! But, still, we just a friend.

So, back to the story. On that night, we went to watch a movie, World War. It was interesting movie. Then, R bought me a food an juice. Well, thanks to you. He took me to Putrajaya, we just 'pusing- pusing', and talking to each other and also, arguing.. That us!! Suddenly, something come to my mind, R was actually a romantic person, nice and kind, except, he has no hair, hahahaha.... 

To be with him for the whole night, make me wonder, is he like me?? Or, it is just a treat from a friend to a friend? Well, I don't know, but, be with him, I feel like I am very special girl. I like the feeling when I was with him. I feel safe, appreciated, and special!! Well, if he ask me to be his girlfriend, may be I will say yes!! 

But, we never know. To R, if you just act like a friend of mine, don't ever treat me like that anymore. Someone will have heartbroken. However, thanks to you. I feel very special that night.. :) Thanks for the movie, food and Putrajaya. 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Salam.. well, this is only the free time that I have. 
Ermm.. now, after practical, I am becoming the replacement teacher. 
Oh yeay!! Money!! ha3..

Ok, sincerely, I really want to try become a teacher. I don;t know why, but, I feel great become a teacher. :)

Because of I am teaching form 2 students, I was like.. THIS KIDS ARE SO FUNNY!! Suddenly, I remember during the time I was a student. Then, I miss those time. Students, they should appreciate it. Because, when grown up, we will miss it.. really... 

So, I will do my best to my students. Well, I am starting to love all of them. :)

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Friday 31 May 2013


Hello there!! 
Today is my happiest day ever. I'm done with my practical and I was really happy just now. May be I can't sleep tonight thinking that I'll be going back on this Sunday morning... Kelantan, I 'm back... Miss home so much!!!

Well, now, I'm about to finish my report. Send the report and jilid my thesis. Then, I will totally done, and free from any examination. Whooo.. I like that.... NO more exams, task or test... 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you~

Thursday 30 May 2013



urmm.. I love both of them. The only different is, Naruto is an animation, while, Aaron Aziz is a real person, an actor from Singapore. I love his acting, so lively... and, I love Naruto too... I don't know why, but, I like the story, the characters, all la... 

However, if you ask me, which one I love more? Of course, the answer is always Naruto. Sorry Aaron,  u lost to NARUTO.. hehehe... I can't remember when I was starting to read Naruto, but, I guess, may be when I was 9 or 10 years old.. Can u imagine, how many years I am in love with Naruto.. Now I am 23, like, about 13 or 14 years I was with Naruto.. How come I leave Naruto away?? NO!!! 

So, what ever age I am, I might be Naruto fan forever... :)

Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~


Hello... tomorrow, 31 May 2013... the date, the day and the time... I will remember for the rest of my life. Well, yeah, of course.. it will be my last day as a student. I am going to finish my internship exactly at 6.00 pm tomorrow evening.. really.. can't wait for that moment. 

Speaking of my last day, I am not really doing my job anymore, because of... urmm.. I am not in the mood of working... It is more, toward finishing internship.. so, I feel like nothing.. Just go to the office only to fill my attendance, and... surfing internet... really.. no lie..

Oh yeay.. speaking of internet, today, I read Naruto. Well... It is compulsory for me. Good news, Sasuke is back, and again, they are fighting together again. I wish I am one of the character in Naruto... :) So, after finish reading the latest episode, I am trying to read again an episode, ' I  WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER'. This episode was about Sasuke and his big handsome and gorgeous brother, Itachi. I don't know why, I love this episode so much... I was nearly to cry, reading this episode.. I can feel the love from a brother to a brother. Sacrifice everything, the clan, family, village, friends, love, and his only little brother. Itachi lived known as a traitor, being hate by his only little brother. Poor Itachi... 

But, of course, deep in his heart, Itachi was proud of Sasuke.. like, " HEY, THIS IS MY LITTLE BROTHER, YOU'VE GROWN UP"

Well, thats why, many fans love Itachi so much!! So do I... well, suddenly fall for him... I wish I could get a lovely husband like him... hehehhee...

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 27 May 2013

4 More Days to Go

Yeay!! Today is Monday... well, it is weird because I am so happy that today is Monday. 

Well, today is Monday, 27th May 2013. So, there are only left 4 days to go to finish practical training.. which means, I will end my intern on 31st May 2013. YEAY!!! Wow!! Seriously, can;t wait to finish it... I really sick of it.. I just want to go home... KELANTAN... miss you so much!!!

Today is MONDAY, tomorrow is TUESDAY, the next day is WEDNESDAY, the next day is THURSDAY, and then, the waiting FRIDAY will come soon... then, finish!!! YEAY!!!

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you~ 

Sunday 19 May 2013


So, what are the differences between Friday and Sunday??

First, of course it spelling.. 

Second, on Friday, time move slowly.. very slow.. Urgghh.. can't wait to end the office hour. Sunday, arrghh.. time moves so fast!!! Really fast... 

Something like this happen to me.. not rarely, but, surely and always... = ='

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday 16 May 2013


Its already 16th of May 2013 today. Guess what, I am totally forget to write on TEACHERS DAY!! So, I think, It is not really late to wish HAPPY TEACHERS DAY to all TEACHERS all around the world, especially, teachers in Malaysia, SELAMAT HARI GURU, CIKGU!! 

So, to all my teachers, since I was 6, studying at kindergarten, then, going to standard 1 at Sekolah Rendah Raja Bahar until standard 3, then moved to SK Demit during I was in standard 3, which, I was 9.. until standard 6, then I was become a teenager, aged 13 which was form 1 until form 3 at SMK Raja Sakti, then moving to SM Teknik Bachok from form 4 until form 5. Again, after got my SPM result, I made to enter form 6 at SMK Puteri, then, now, I am a final year student at UKM. 

So, teachers & lecturers, HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!!.

Talking about teachers, I remember one of my teachers, well, If I met her, I will for sure hug her and say 100000000x thanks to her  because teach me how to read, to spell and to say the alphabets, ABC... If you don't know, I am actually not a talented student. At first, during standard 1, I cannot read, I got confused when I saw the words, I was blank.

My mom just really worried about me. I am too slow in learning. During standard 2, she wrote down in my report book, " Cikgu, tolong masukkan anak saya dalam kelas pemulihan" , means, " Teacher, please take my daughter into recovery class". Actually, I never know my mom wrote it, until I was enter UKM, during my first year. I was enjoying myself  looked at my old stuffs, then suddenly met the report book. I was shocked to see my mom writing. I was nearly to cry, realized how she was worried about me that time. 

Then, yes, I got into recovery class, well special class. My teacher got more time to pay attention to me. She teach starting from A until Z, how to pronounce, the vocal and the consonant, spelling, counting and more. So, when I was standard  3, I can spell and read, but still not perfect. But, I never give up, I was trying to read again and again.

Then, now, I can spells, read and also writing a long essay!! Not just in Malay, but also, in English!! 

So, to Mrs. Norehan, who teach me during I was standard 2, year 1998, Sek Ren Keb Raja Bahar, if you still remember one of your student, Nurul Aqeela bt Mohd Sekare, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! 

You are the best teacher ever. I miss you and really want to meet you. Thank you!!

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Wednesday 15 May 2013


Do you love to play any games? Well, it is not the kind of  Facebook game, android games and others. What I mean is the kind of PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox and bla... bla... bla... 

If you ever play it, you must ever feel like this picture below:

Arrgghhh!!! sometimes, it happen to me. I did play games.... from start until half.. it took one day.. and suddenly, I off it without save my game. AArrrggghhh!!!!

Well, it is the past. So, let just forget it.

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday 9 May 2013


I mean, like this below:

Well, if you have met this kind of person, u should be grateful. It is hard to meet someone like this, to advice you, to comment on your appearance when nobody bother what u wear. It do not really have to be your father, or your boyfriend, but anyone. It can be your friends, teachers, mothers, sisters, old ladies, or even your CAT!!

So, when they are comment about you, you just should:

1) Be open, and say thanks
2) Rethink what they are saying about you.
3) If it is good for you, why not you try to change? To be the better one??

I have a friend. Just a friend. Well, for truth, I am not a quite good girl a.k.a not muslimah. I am just ordinary girl, wearing jeans, tshirt, hijab. I like to wear tight shirt even it is long sleeve and also, small hijab means, not covering my chest. Then, this friend of mine, he told me, "Kila, buleh x pakai longgar sikit?", " Kila, boleh x labuhkan tudung sikit?". Yeah, at first, it is quite embarrassing, especially, when it is a guy who told me that. But, suddenly, I smiled, I said, "Ok, nt kila try ubah ye". 

There was also a day when he saw me wearing slipper. Well, 'selipar jamban'. So, there was nothing weird for me. But, suddenly he said, " Pakai stokin, ni aurat". Again, I'm smiling, and told him the same. 

I am very grateful to meet him, such a good guy. Nobody care what I am wearing before, except my mother and sisters. Then, I met him. Thanks to Allah. Thanks to him too. 

Now, I am trying to change. Slowly. 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Now, let us forget about PRU things, makes me sick!!! Arrghhh...

Then, suddenly i remember mu new BUBU.. well, the previous BUBU was gone, may be died already due to ages..Well, the previous BUBU was about 10 or 11 years old, and one day, his gone without any traces. So, may be, he already gone forever. There was a tale that said, a cat know when he would die, so, he will disappear then died just like that because he doesn't want the owner becomes too sad seeing he was dying. 

this our late BUBU... I miss him. There was a time, when he suddenly sit on my face during I was sleep to wake me up.. and, he will "meowing" non- stop when he was hungry and of course, he was a nice cat, named BUBU. I really miss him.

This is our brand new BUBU.

He even big, fat and naughty then our late BUBU. Now, he is my love one. I love and miss him so much when I was away from hometown. 

When I going back to Kelantan, and arrived home, I will search for him first and kissed him, play with him. 

Hahaha.. how I miss him right now..

So, until next time
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 6 May 2013

PRU 13

Well, this is the result of PRU 13.

Well, actually, I just got my time to update this blog.. urmm.. you know, i'm quite bz with the PRU stuffs.. means, bz with going hometown in Kota Bharu, 3rd May 2013,  takes me about 13 hours to arrive, then coming back to Shah Alam this morning, 6th May 2013 and takes me around 14 hours to arrive. Kind of... ttoooo llloonnggg....... :(

Ok, just forget bout my stuffs. Lets talk about PRU 13. Yeah!! Congrates to BN.. They won again for this year. Guess what, too many voices out there who are not satisfied with this result.. On FB, you can see everything, they change the DP into black... they talked bout blackout, another PETI UNDI la.. and what ever!! I'm just sick!!!!

For me.. Hello!!!! It's all over ok... so, just accept the government as they are. Ok, few of my friends change their DP, so, what can they have? Like BN suddenly will lose after that and PR suddenly win the PRU? Come on, the PRU is over, and we cannot go back to yesterday to change it. Accept the government and wait for another 5 years to vote once again.

Well, may be this opinion is a little bit racist and it sound like I am BN side, but up to you to think what you think. As for my opinion, the PR (PAS + PKR + DAP), PAS have the least KERUSI PARLIMEN, second is PKR, but, DAP have the most KERUSI PARLIMEN. And, who is DAP? DAP is chinese. And I don't know why, I suddenly feel like, this DAP try to manipulate the Malay. And, i don't know why, i feel like, they trying to use Malay in order to win Malaysia. I believe, if PR win, DAP will surely ruled Malaysia, then, Malaysia suddenly becomes like Singapore. 

And as for me, it is better to PKR and PAS to move with their own feet. I know that, PAS and PKR will definitely not have any relation with UMNO/ BN. And, i guess, It is enough to see PR only have two members (PAS + PKR), instead of three members (PAS + PKR + DAP). At least, I know that PAS and PKR are Malay and also a Muslim, rather than DAP, chinese and other religions. It's sad to see Malays are fighting with each other, and the Chinese... clap their hand, and say Hoorayyy!!

For truth is, I like PKR, rather than DAP, because I believe, PKR also can ruled Malaysia. But, because of PR (PKR + PAS + DAP), I cannot convince myself to vote for PR. I am so soorryy... I just cannot stand to watch PAS and PKR with DAP. 

So, please, why not PKR and PAS try build a new PAKATAN RAKYAT?? Without DAP... :( May be for  the next PRU?? 

Last but not least, accept the result with the honest heart. Yes, we plan it very well, but, we cannot control it. We plan, then, we give the faith to Allah. His the most powerful in everything. We cannot change the past, but we can try to change the future, and accept the present.

Bagi aku kan,

Mungkin kita menyukai sesuatu, tetapi, ia buruk bagi kita.
Dan, mungkin kita membenci sesuatu, tetapi, ia baik bagi kita. 
Sesungguhnya, Allah Maha Mengetahui segala baik dan yang buruk bagi kita.
Maka, terimalah perancangan Allah sebaik- baiknya.  

May be, we see that PR is the best choice for us, but, Allah SWT see in different way. And may be, we see that BN is the most bad choices for us, but, Allah SWT see in different way. He knows Malaysia very well than us. 

Before and during PRU 13, my heart never stop to pray,

 " Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Malaysiaku. Walau parti mana yang mentadbir negara kami, aku memohon, biarlah parti itu yang terbaik buatmu,"

But, i don't know if BN is the best for Allah SWT or not,  but I believe, if BN win the election, so, it is the best to ruled Malaysia. I believe in Allah faith.

I'm not saying that, PR not the best, but may be, they are not ready yet to take over Malaysia. May be, there will be a time in future where PR will ruled Malaysia. Just, this time, not theirs yet. 

So, Malaysian, stop fighting!!! Be grateful with Malaysia today...

This is my thought... may be you have your thought..

Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~ 

Monday 22 April 2013


Appreciate.. Penghargaan.. maknanya sama. Pernah x kita tanya diri kita, kita ni hargai x kawan- kawan kita, parents, adik beradik and others? Kalau pernah, macam mana cara kita express penghargaan tu.. ?

Banyak cara kita leh express penghargaan tu sebenarnya.. just to make the people around us feel they are actually meant for us... bukan sekadar manusia yang kita perlu masa susah je.. means, kita perlukan mereka xkira la masa senang ke, susah ke, and they always be there for us.. and, how we gonna say thanks to them? 

Kalo aku... macam ni la.... 

Aku suka cakap terima kasih kepada kawan- kawan...and, kawan- kawan aku pun ade juga yang cakap macam tu, and, we will end up cakap, " I'm your friend la... so, its ok.. "

And, sometimes, ada kawan aku yang segan nak tunjuk penghargaan dorang.. In other word, EGO. But, somehow, aku faham kenapa dorang macam tu, may be dorang xbiase cakap thanks, kawan or, dorang salu kenakan aku, so, dorang xcakap la thanks sume tu.. tapi, jauh di sudut ati, aku taw, dorang sayangkan aku, cuma xcakap je.. law x, xkan la mereka ada di samping aku masa aku susah, ye x? 

But, for me, it enough if they are always be there for me, no need to thanked me, buy me a present, give me a big kiss or hug, or celebrate my birthday... no need.. as along as they always be by my side... 

So, thank you friends...

Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Friday 19 April 2013


Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~


Aku xtaw sape yang buat quotes ni.. tapi sedikit sebanyak, aku bersetuju dengan quote ni... Bila baca, it resemble me a lot.. 

Aku mmg suka cakap, ade je cite yang aku nak ceritakan, mulut aku memang xboleh senyap, kawan- kawan pun malas nak melayan aku. Aku pun, opkos la suka gelak, well, awet muda kot.. hihihi..

Tapi, bila ada poblem, aku akan jadi macam tu la, diam, xbanyak cakap, aku akan luahkan bila aku ase perlu je, dengan orang yang paling aku percayai, opkos la kawan- kawan aku.. hurmm.. depends pada poblem la, law aku ase sesuai aku cite kt mama aku, aku cite, law x, aku cite kat member. 

And, yang paling obvious, aku suka menangis sorang- sorang. Aku xsuka menangis depan orang lain, depan orang, aku salu buat- buat strong, tabah.. tapi, bila tempat xde orang, which is yang tinggal aku, dinding and bantal peluk aku je.. aku akan nangis... Aku nangis, sampai mata aku bengkak.. then, aku tertido dengan sendiri... ZZZzzzZZZ...

Macam tu la pangai aku.. So, kadang- kadang, kawan aku fikir, aku ni xde masalah ke? Relax je, salu gelak, nampak happy.. tapi, hakikatnya, bukan camtu.. Aku ade poblem, dan aku pendam je.. wat pe nk tunjuk poblem kita kat orang, nak simpati? Memang xlah... Aku akan senyap je selagi termampu.. Well, may be, best friends aku je kot yang akan tahu poblem aku... Urmm.. that what friends are for... ^^

Ok, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Di sebalik THE CROODS

Korang tengok cite The Croods x? Law xtgk, ak syorkan korang p tengok.... rugi taw xtgk...

Cite die best gile!!! 

Well, orang sibuk ngan PRU 13 kan, aku sibuk ngan The Croods... bukan aku xmo masuk campur pasal PRU, cuma, aku malas nk tulis pasal politik dalam blog aku ni... huhu..

Ok, berbalik pada The Croods, di sebalik cite ni, banyak pesanan dan nasihat yang disampaikan, aku memang salute ngan cite ni. Jadi bapa ni bukan mudah, nak jaga family, bagi makan minum, so, jadilah over protective. Tapi, kadang- kadang, perubahan tu perlu untuk kebaikan, sampai bila kita nak berada di takuk lama? Risiko itu perlu, pengorbanan juga perlu. Dan, kekadang juga, bukan kekuatan fizikal je yang perlu untuk kita terus maju ke depan, tapi juga kekuatan mental juga perlu. Kebijaksanaan, kesabaran.. sume tu perlu.. Dalam hidup ni, kita banyak pilihan... dan kite perlu wat pilihan... 

So, perubahan itu perlu supaya we will keep moving forward... ^^
so, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 15 April 2013


SO, tunggu apa lagi... cek la cepat2 ye...
Jom mengundi!!!

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 8 April 2013


Entah kenapa, malam ni, tetiba teringat kembali zaman muda- muda dlu, masa tu, xmatang lagi, pakai baju sekolah, tudung ada lencana sekolah, kawan- kawan sekelas yang amat rapat. 

Ni masa form 6, kelas paling best!! 
Masa ni, hari last belajar before exam STPM the next week. Kitorang xstudy langsung, kerja kitorang hari tu, amik gambar, makan dan borak. 

Guess what, semua kitorang masuk universiti...


Ade yang dah nak abes, contohnya aku. Ada yang ade lagi setahun untuk belajar. Pendek kata, most of us ni dah masuk final year dekat universiti. Rasa cepat masa berlalu, tup tup, dah final... rasa mcam baru semalam kami lepas STPM, dapat result, baru masuk universiti.. dan, tetiba, dalam sekelip mata, almost finish.. hurrmm...

ni comparison antara zamam dulu, dan skang, mane lagi cun?? hehehe

Ni aku dan besfren aku.. ^^

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~


Grammar aku tu xtaw betol ke x.. aku tibai je tulis.. ikot ade dalam kepala otak. Urm.. ni pendapat aku la... Daripada dok pikir, macam mana nak spend masa, nak p jalan mane, nak p joging ke x, tgk movie apa, baik aku spends je masa aku dengan orang yang aku sayang xkisah la kat mane pun, tepi tong sampah MPKB pun jadi la.. Appreciate masa yang ada setiap saat, minit, jam, hari, bulan, tahun untuk orang yang kita sayang, so, if die dah xde nanti, kita xakan menyesal, sebab kita dah wat yang terbaik untuk dia.. 

Benda yang paling mahal, yang paling susah nak cari kt dunia ni: MEMORIES..

So, create the moments, so that, u will have something to remember when u r old...

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~ 

Wednesday 3 April 2013


Aku nak cakap pasal kawan la malam ni. Sambil melayan lagu dikir barat Man Khan duet ngan Rosalinda ni... 

"aku xbeloh bagi..... aku xbeloh bagi
ooooo.... aku saye ko demo...
ooooo.... aku saye ko demo..."

aku pun lupe tajuk lagu ni.. ada aku kisah... yang penting aku ase cam best je.. Aku melayan benda gni la skang, pasal boring nk dengar lagu2 skang.. cr bende baru plak..

So, ada apa ngan kawan? Kawan ni mewarnai kehidupan aku, kehidupan kita semua. Aku suka buat something kat kawan aku sebagai tanda penghargaan buat mereka. Tapi, xsemua, sesetengah je la.. yang aku anggap, kawan sejati aku. 

Urmm, aku ni jenis xlupa kawan selagi aku mampu ingat, aku ingat. So, if kawan- kawan aku dalam susah ke, senang ke, aku xakan tinggal kawan. Aku akan sentiasa ada disisi mereka selagi mampu. Kalo ada yang nak luah pasaan kat aku, aku dengar je, even 100x pun, aku xkisah.. asalkan kawan aku bahagia, gembira, aku pun camtu. Kalo kawan sedih, aku pun akan sedih, jadi, aku akan usaha untuk menggembirakan hati kawan aku, bagi nasihat or pandangan aku supaya kawan aku lebih tenang. Means, aku akan bantu takat yang termampu. As long as I am still breathing...

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 1 April 2013


Kawan aku ni ada tunjuk satu mesej kat aku, dari ex die..

" Awak, bad news, ada orang nak masuk minang saya"

Mesej ni daripada seorang wanita kepada bekas teman lelakinya. Pada pendapat korang, apa tujuan pompuan ni bagi mesej mcm ni kat lelaki?

Pada pendapat aku kan, pompuan ni still ada hati ngan laki ni. Means, dia harap laki tu balik kat dia semula atau cakap, 

"awak, jgn terima pinangan tu. Boleh tunggu saya x? Saya memang xde duit sekarang, tapi, saya akan usaha untuk dapat duit dan masuk minang awak"

Aku rasa, ini salah satu cara untuk pompuan tunjuk bahawa kita ni still ada hati lagi dengan laki tu atau ex kita. Seriously... sebab, bagi aku kan, napa kita nak bgtaw benda mcm tu kat ex kita if kita xade hati ngan dia. Tak de motif kan?

Boys, u should realize this. Jika ada ex korang mesej benda gitu.. means die ada hati ngan korang, melainkan, dia cakap, dengan gembiranya, dia nak kahwin.. Urmm.. sometimes, kami pompuan ada intonansi taw.... so, based pada tone suara kami, korang leh tahu kami ni masih syg ke x ngan korang.. so, pandai2 la kenal ati pompuan.. kami ni jenis malu nk ckap, so, korang kene la paham.. huhuhu..

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday 28 March 2013


Awak, saya dah buat keputusan. Walaupun hati saya disakiti, saya sudah bersedia untuk menghadapinya. Awak xsalah, saya yang salah kerana saya mula menyukai awak. So, bila saya mula sedar benda ni, saya sudah bersedia untuk hadapi risikonya. Saya gembira kenal awak. Dengan awak, saya rasa saya jadi diri sendiri dan saya xpernah berpura. 

So, setelah berfikir, saya buat keputudan untuk tunggu awak. Saya akan berdoa. Jika awak dicipta sebagai jodoh saya, saya mohon, hati kita didekatkan, dan jika awak bukan dicipta sebagai jodoh saya, saya juga terima dan memohon hati kita dijauhkan. Semoga saya boleh lupakan awak. Sesungguhnya, Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui segala- galanya. 

Jika awak terbaca entri kali ni, saya memohon maaf. Saya terima apa jua keputusan awak. Cuma 1 je saya nak tanya,

" Macam mana awak tahu, orang yang saya maksudkan ini adalah awak?"


Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Tahu tak apa yang paling menyakitkan selain daripada beranak??

" Mencintai, menyukai dan merindui seseorang yang kita tahu dia tidak akan mencintai, menyukai dan merindui kita"

Bodoh kan kita ni kalau jadi camtu.. dah tahu orang tu tak akan pernah punya pasaan kepada kita, tapi, kita still lagi nak tunggu dia.. Apa ke bengap la orang macam ni? Nak tunggu sampai bila? Nak tunggu dia kawen, baru nak lepaskan dia? Ke nak tunggu dia jadi duda/ janda dulu? Camtu?

Sakit hati tu, kita je yang tahu kan. Tiap malam kita harap dia rindu kita macam kita rindu dia. Tapi, haram, hampeh betol.. dia xakan rasa macam tu terhadap kita. Nak tahu kenapa? Sebab dia memang xde pasaan kat kita la bengap!! Dah orang anggap kita kawan je, xkan nak lebih2... 

Tapi, seriously, it is really hurt!!! To love someone that do not even love us and the most hurt us is, we know he @ she will not love us forever..!!! and yet, we still want to be with him/ her.. even if it really hurt us.

Look, how silly we are!!!!

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Punya panjang tajuk entri kali ni kan... meh nak simplekan...

Berangan ni mudah.. kita fikir je nak buat apa, nak jadi apa.. senanga sangat la kan. Tapi, bila kita cuba nak realitikan sume tu, susah sangat. Contohnya, kita nak luah pasaan pada orang yang kita suka. 

" Awak, saya dah lama tengok awak. Saya rasa.. saya suka kat awak ", hati kita cakap la kan. Kira kita dah practice 100X nak cakap benda camni kat orang tu.

Dan, kita dengan konfiden, pergi jumpa orang tu kan, konon nak luah la.. kan dah practice.. Bila dah jupe tu.. tibe- tibe,

" Awak, saya dah lama tengok awak. Saya rasa... awak pakai baju terbalik tiap hari la"

Konfem kena lempang + penendang kat muka kita, akhirnya xterluah... Kan berangan tu lebih senang, lebih manis dan lebih menyenangkan berbanding realiti..

Ni kisah budak nak keluarga bahagia la bila dewasa nanti, nak laki beriman, keje lelok, laki tu CEO syarikat, anak pulak bijak pandai.. ewh.. berangan la ko ni... Nk yang perfect la kononnya.. tapi, kita sendiri pun xsempurna.. nak yang bek, jadi la bek...  Nk berngan pun, agak2 la.. 

Xsalah berangan sebenarnya, sebab, dari berangan la leh jadi nyata, kalo rajin berusaha la, selalu doa, tawakal dan taat ibu bapa + suami.. Berjaya la dunia akhirat.. cuma, realiti ni pahit sikit...

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 25 March 2013


Urmm... soalan aku, adakah salah jika kita mempunyai satu perasaan istimewa buat someone? Well, kalo kita dah tersuka dengan orang tu, so, apa kita nk buat? Aduhh.. pening kepala nak fikir kan? Wondering if dia pun punya perasaan yang sama dengan kita..

Bagi aku, punya perasaan terhadap someone, langsung xsalah.. sebab ia merupakan satu benda yang normal. Well, sapa yang boleh nak halang perasaan tu jika ia hadir secara tiba- tiba? Kita langsung xsedia. Tapi, punya perasaan pada orang yang xsepatutnya kita berperasaan,.. hurmm.. IT IS TOTALLY WRONG!!!

Contohnya, tetiba kita suka kat pak cik kita yang baya bapak kita, atau kita syok kat jiran sebelah rumah yang seusia dengan nenek kita.. Xke bunyi pelik kalo punya perasaan terhadap golongan itu. Tapi, kalo dah jodoh, nak wat camne.. Well, let us not talk about jodoh.. Kalo boleh, elak- elakkan la benda tu sebelum melarat.. Pesanan ini juga ditujukan khas kepada diri sendiri ye... Pandai- pandai fikir la ye, Qeela!!! ELAKKAN... ELAKKAN... tapi, camne nak elak??? hahahha.. think yourself la!!!

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Sunday 24 March 2013


Malam ni, aku xtaw nak cakap pasal apa, tp, hati aku ni nak sangat menulis malam ni. So, aku akan aturkan isi- isi yang aku nak tulis. Pertama, berkenaan aku balik ke kampung jumaat, sabtu. Gembira aku, boleh tido dalam bilik aku, jupe kucing- kucing kesayangan aku. Dan, yang best, pi shoping kt peng. kubor. Beli satu teddy bear besar. Huhuhuhu... murah kot.... tu yang aku suka tu..

Yang kedua, rasanya.... hati aku telah mula berbicara la kot.. tapi bicara apa ye?? hahahhaha.. ngeng x? xde motif tulis benda ni. Xde idea... 

Well, sebab xde idea, sampai sini dulu la aku update blog ni.

Until next time, 
~ May be peace upon you ~

Monday 18 March 2013


Bila cakap family, apa yang terlintas dalam fikiran kornag yang baca entry ni? Law aku, mesti aku terbayangkan kampung halaman aku yang nun jauh di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Pastu, aku terbayang mama yang aku sayangi, abah, adik- adik aku dan xlupa juga pada kucing- kucing kesayangan kat umah tu. Memang aku rindu sgt dengan semua yang ada kat kampung tu. 

So, bila aku terbaca anak buang mak, buang ayah, buang family, aku terfikir, apa jenis manusia la dorang ni? Aku ni, pape pun, mesti teringat kat mama aku. Sebelum aku wat apa- apa keputusan, mesti aku tnya pendapat mama dahulu. Dan, orang yang paling aku rindu sekarang dan selamanya ialah MAMA. 

Memangla mama aku ni garang, tp, dalam garang tu, ada sportingnya. Apa beza Mama kita dengan adik beradik kita? Law aku, beza sangat la. Masa eksiden, sapa yang susah payah mandikan aku? Sapa yang susah payah pakaikan baju utk aku? Dan, sapa yang jd xtentu hala masa dpt berita eksiden aku? MAMA!! Mama la orang wat semua benda tu. Dan guess what, sapa orang pertama yang aku harapkan masa aku susah? Masa aku sakit, terlantar atas katil kat sepital? MAMA!! Mama la orang pertama yang aku nak masa tu, aku xperlukan sape2 pun, melainkan mama. 

Then, bila aku perlukan pertolongan, orang pertama yang aku akan kol adalah family aku. Aku xakan cari kekawan, mesti aku cari family dulu. Sebab apa? Sebab ikatan family tu lebih kuat daripada rakan- rakan. Dan, family xpernah berkira dan lbh senang utk bertolak ansur. 

So, aku xfaham kenapa ade orang sanggup buang mak, ayah, adik, kakak, abang sume tu. Mana nilai kekeluargaan mereka? Aku sering terfikir, betapa malangnya orang yang punya anak seperti itu. Dilihat anak orang menjaga ibu bapa, tp, anak kita? Astagfirullahalzim.. Mungkin, ada silap die di mana2 dulu meyebabkan Allah menghukumnya begitu. 

Semoga aku akan sentiasa ingat jasa dan pengorbanan Mama dan family aku. Aku xmahu jadi kacang lupakan kulit. Semoga dijauhkan sifat yang begitu. Aminn...

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~

Thursday 14 March 2013


Pagi2 buta ni, pada jam 1.33 pagi, mata ini belom lagi rasa mengantuk. Mungkin gembira sebab esok cuti,. xperlu nak pergi keje. Sedang melayan Suria Cinta DJ Lin ni, terasa pulak nk update blog yang x terupdate tengah hari td. Suara DJ Lin memang romantik la.. andai kalau aku ni lelaki, nak je aku pompuan mcm DJ Lin ni, leh ulit tido aku.. hahahaha

Minggu ni, genap seminggu aku selesema. Aduhh, memang xsyok la bila selesema menjengah ni. Ni gara- gara kongsi makan waffle dengan kwn aku la ni. Aku xpasan die selesema, p kongsi mkan waffle kt Alamanda. Balik umah, the tomorrow day.. hurm.. mulala kisah selesema aku. 

Tapi, xla terok sgt. Alhamdulillah... Boleh lagi la nk drive p keje tu. Xde pape pun, cuma kene ad tuala kecik je, nak lap hingus aku y kuar ni.. wahahahaha..

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~


Hurmm.. seriously, bila umo dah 23 ni, aku ase jodoh aku lambat lak nk datang. Sebab, aku xcari la kot.
Orang kata, jodoh pun kene usaha cari gak, bukan tunggu jodoh datang. Ya, aku admit la.. tp, aku macam malas nk pikir sal ni.. ase terbeban dalam ati aku ni. 

Then, aku berborak dengan sorang member baru ni. Dia cakap, kekadang Allah tu xakan temukan dengan jodoh kita selagi kita xsedia. Means, law kita masih xmatang, nk wat keputusan pun xpandai, financial kureng,.. So, Allah simpan dulu. Nanti, bila kita dah sedia, masa tu, datanglah. Tapi, usaha tetap kena ade la ye..

Dan, bila fikir apa yang dia cakap tu, aku admit la. Aku pun sebenarnya belom bersedia. Soal jodoh ni, aku letak paling last. Yang penting, aku dpt degree, kerja, wat master, bagi duit kat mama, beli handbag bagai kt mama.. then, baru kawen. Tu perancangan aku. So, law ikot perancagan yang kurang cerdik tu, agak2, bila aku akan kawen, umo 30? 40? 50? Xtaw la aku. Haih... 

BTW, xkisah la.. bukan aku peduli pun.. memang kekadang ati ni sunyi.. nk juga diisi.. tapi, xpe la.. bukan aku mati pun xde lelaki dalam ati aku ni.. hahahahha

k, until next time
~ May be peace upon you ~

Saturday 9 March 2013


Kata maaf mungkin sukar untuk dilafazkan oleh certain individu. Tapi, apa salahnya untuk meminta maaf. Kekadang, hati yang sakit pun boleh hilang. Yang penting, hati kena ikhlas, jadi, Insyallah, Allah akan buka hati orang lain untuk memaafkan kita.

Mungkin kita ada buat salah, dan menyebabkan rakan kita yang terdekat terasa dengan kita. Dan mungkin, ada dalam kalangan mereka akan post di wall FB atau Twitter, dan kita tahu, yang dimaksudkan itu kita. Apa yang patut kita buat? Well, bagi aku, kita perlu jumpa dan explain hal sebenar dan minta maaf. Itu sahaja. Yang penting keikhlasan hati. Apa salahnya ketepikan ego sendiri demi orang lain. Kita dah lama berkawan kan, so, letaklah ego di tepi sekejap demi sebuah persahabatan.

Bagi aku, itulah cara untuk jernihkan keadaan. Meet, explain and say, ' I am sorry'. It is so simple. Cuma, hati kita kena kuat. Kuatkan hati untuk hadapi sebarang kemungkinan. Yang penting, kita minta maaf. Bagi aku, xada alasan dalam persahabatan, sebab sahabatlah yang akan mewarnai hidup kita. 

So, until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~