Well, this is the result of PRU 13.
Well, actually, I just got my time to update this blog.. urmm.. you know, i'm quite bz with the PRU stuffs.. means, bz with going hometown in Kota Bharu, 3rd May 2013, takes me about 13 hours to arrive, then coming back to Shah Alam this morning, 6th May 2013 and takes me around 14 hours to arrive. Kind of... ttoooo llloonnggg....... :(
Ok, just forget bout my stuffs. Lets talk about PRU 13. Yeah!! Congrates to BN.. They won again for this year. Guess what, too many voices out there who are not satisfied with this result.. On FB, you can see everything, they change the DP into black... they talked bout blackout, another PETI UNDI la.. and what ever!! I'm just sick!!!!
For me.. Hello!!!! It's all over ok... so, just accept the government as they are. Ok, few of my friends change their DP, so, what can they have? Like BN suddenly will lose after that and PR suddenly win the PRU? Come on, the PRU is over, and we cannot go back to yesterday to change it. Accept the government and wait for another 5 years to vote once again.
Well, may be this opinion is a little bit racist and it sound like I am BN side, but up to you to think what you think. As for my opinion, the PR (PAS + PKR + DAP), PAS have the least KERUSI PARLIMEN, second is PKR, but, DAP have the most KERUSI PARLIMEN. And, who is DAP? DAP is chinese. And I don't know why, I suddenly feel like, this DAP try to manipulate the Malay. And, i don't know why, i feel like, they trying to use Malay in order to win Malaysia. I believe, if PR win, DAP will surely ruled Malaysia, then, Malaysia suddenly becomes like Singapore.
And as for me, it is better to PKR and PAS to move with their own feet. I know that, PAS and PKR will definitely not have any relation with UMNO/ BN. And, i guess, It is enough to see PR only have two members (PAS + PKR), instead of three members (PAS + PKR + DAP). At least, I know that PAS and PKR are Malay and also a Muslim, rather than DAP, chinese and other religions. It's sad to see Malays are fighting with each other, and the Chinese... clap their hand, and say Hoorayyy!!
For truth is, I like PKR, rather than DAP, because I believe, PKR also can ruled Malaysia. But, because of PR (PKR + PAS + DAP), I cannot convince myself to vote for PR. I am so soorryy... I just cannot stand to watch PAS and PKR with DAP.
So, please, why not PKR and PAS try build a new PAKATAN RAKYAT?? Without DAP... :( May be for the next PRU??
Last but not least, accept the result with the honest heart. Yes, we plan it very well, but, we cannot control it. We plan, then, we give the faith to Allah. His the most powerful in everything. We cannot change the past, but we can try to change the future, and accept the present.
Bagi aku kan,
Mungkin kita menyukai sesuatu, tetapi, ia buruk bagi kita.
Dan, mungkin kita membenci sesuatu, tetapi, ia baik bagi kita.
Sesungguhnya, Allah Maha Mengetahui segala baik dan yang buruk bagi kita.
Maka, terimalah perancangan Allah sebaik- baiknya.
May be, we see that PR is the best choice for us, but, Allah SWT see in different way. And may be, we see that BN is the most bad choices for us, but, Allah SWT see in different way. He knows Malaysia very well than us.
Before and during PRU 13, my heart never stop to pray,
" Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Malaysiaku. Walau parti mana yang mentadbir negara kami, aku memohon, biarlah parti itu yang terbaik buatmu,"
But, i don't know if BN is the best for Allah SWT or not, but I believe, if BN win the election, so, it is the best to ruled Malaysia. I believe in Allah faith.
I'm not saying that, PR not the best, but may be, they are not ready yet to take over Malaysia. May be, there will be a time in future where PR will ruled Malaysia. Just, this time, not theirs yet.
So, Malaysian, stop fighting!!! Be grateful with Malaysia today...
This is my thought... may be you have your thought..
Until next time,
~ May be peace upon you ~